Swift TG Energy is proud to support the 2015 Ayreshire Science and Engineering Festival. 160 primary 7 pupils from six Ayreshire schools will visit Prestwick Airport on March 12 for an exciting half-day series of activities in the Terminal Building.
They’ll experience a tour of the airport and become mini scientists and engineers building gliders with Ayrshire-based charity theSKYLAB. They’ll also meet many of the scientists and engineers from companies surrounding the airport including NATS, Spirit Aerospace, UTC Aerospace, GE Aviation, Swift Technology Group, Ayrshire College and the RAF. The tour of the airport will take them to the Welcome Desk, the Railway Station, Check-in, Central Search and Domestic Arrivals, ending with a talk by Prestwick Security and the Police. They will learn the principles of flight making model gliders in workshops and then know what it is like to be a scientist or engineer meeting with experts from aerospace and aviation companies who will show them the technology that they build. Dr Geoff Coxon, founder of the SKYLAB charity and the education organiser for the Scottish Airshow, said: “The aerospace industry at Prestwick is vital for the Ayrshire and Scottish economy and its future depends entirely on today’s school children becoming the scientists and engineers of tomorrow. Supporting education is one of the main objectives of the Scottish Airshow and after all of the crowds had gone home and aircraft had departed last September, we wanted to create a Scottish Airshow legacy that would continue to inspire and guide young people towards careers in the aerospace industry at Prestwick." Prestwick Airport Chief Executive Iain Cochrane said: “We were approached by Dr Coxon shortly after the Scottish Airshow asking if the airport could play a pivotal role in creating a legacy for the Scottish Airshow as part of the Ayrshire Science & Engineering Festival. We were delighted to say yes. “Prestwick is at the heart of the local community and we have worked hard to ensure the day will be both fun and educational. We’re looking forward to helping the children get excited by the magic and meaning of science and engineering at their local airport.” Bob Alexander, Chairman of the Scottish Airshow, said: “One of the Scottish Airshow objectives is to build an education legacy. Sparking the interest of a new generation of young people in science and technology is vital for sustaining the long-term success of the aerospace industry at the heart of Ayrshire. Before we turn our attention to the return of the Scottish Airshow in September, we are delighted to be associated with Prestwick Airport and theSKYLAB’s exciting day.” |